International Strategy launched by Resource

04 October 2002, United Kingdom

Resource, the Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, has developed and published a new strategic plan detailing the organisation's international agenda. International Activity, A Strategic Plan for Action 2002/06, details the full range of action lines and commitments related to international activity Resource intends to carry out during the above mentioned period. The priority areas up to March 2006, are as follows:
  • Map international activity in English museums, archives and libraries to highlight best practice; identify gaps and find ways of filling them.
  • Establish advice points in three areas: international funding, export, and cultural property, to equip the sector to take up opportunities and make more effective use of existing knowledge.
  • Develop an international exchange program for the sector.
  • Develop an internet-based service pulling together the fragmented international information currently available to the sector. Such a tool will enable the sector to improve its knowledge of, and ability to respond to, international opportunities.
  • Celebrate and communicate achievements to an international audience on important Resource initiatives. 'At the heart of this strategy is the premise that international activity is not a luxury. Our museums, archives and libraries are among the best in the world, and we have to contribute, and learn from, the international agenda,' says Matthew Evans, Resource Chairman. International activity must play a central role in all of Resources planning to ensure that collections bring the most benefits to the most users, he added. International Activity, A Strategic Plan for Action 2002/06 is available on the Resource website;