Resource develops single learning and access framework

09 October 2002, United Kingdom

A new framework under development hopes to place access and learning at the heart of museum, library and archive policies, according to Resource. Resource is in the final stages of developing a single learning and access framework to produce a best model of practice for all three sectors. The framework, Inspiring Learning for All, aims to be completed by Spring 2003 and is currently under development through a pilot scheme. According to a Resource statement the framework ‘will provide a basis for assessing quality of learning services in museums, archives and libraries, the extent to which those services are accessible and their impact upon users and the community.’ Sue Wilkinson, Director of Learning and Access at Resource said the framework is a landmark project. ‘It describes, for the first time, what it really means to be an accessible and inclusive organisation which stimulates and supports learning,’ she commented. ‘Early feedback from the pilot sites already shows how effective the framework can be in stimulating discussion around these issues and the massive cultural shift which is needed if we really are going to place access and learning at the heart of every museum, archive and library,’ Ms Wilkinson said. The pilot scheme is currently taking place across 45 organisations including national, local authority, university, independent and volunteer run museums, the Public Record Office, county record offices, local history centre and archives, further education libraries, school libraries and public libraries. Susan Arnold, Museum Service Manager at Knowsley said the pilot framework improved the working practices of staff. ‘The framework has helped the Museum and Library Services to work as a team, to understand the ethos behind their learning programmes and identify shared aims and objectives,’ she noted. ‘It has also acted as a catalyst for dialogue between senior managers concerning how the Museum and Library Services can work more effectively together in the future,’ Ms Arnold said.