Marketing and audience development in Wales
23 October 2002, United Kingdom
The Arts Council of Wales, (ACA) is organising its third one-day marketing symposium, aimed at giving local arts marketing professionals the opportunity to meet, discuss new developments and share best practice. The Symposium will take place in Cardiff on November 7. Building on the success of previous ACW Symposiums, up to 150 delegates are expected to attend the event which comprises two seminar sessions, including two presented by Arts Disabilities Wales and Cardiff Arts Marketing. Keynote speaker for the day is Ruth Eastwood, Chief Executive of Poole Arts Centre. The Arts Centre is currently going through a period of intense change and Eastwood will be highlighting how marketing and audience development initiatives have played a major part in the process. 'We are extremely proud to be staging the Marketing Symposium again in 2002. The day promises to be full of interesting and innovative ideas with something for everyone working within the arts in Wales,' said ACW’s Senior Research and Development Officer, Ann Kellaway.
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