Board Members

The Cultural Consortium for englandsnorthwest,
29 November 2002, United Kingdom

The Cultural Consortium was established in 1999 by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and is the recognised co-ordinating voice for culture in the Region - championing the whole spectrum of cultural interests including the Creative Industries, Heritage & Libraries, Sports & Recreation, and Tourism. The Consortium brings together the principal public and private sector organisations to implement the Regional Cultural Strategy and Action Plan, raise awareness of the role of culture in driving regional economic and social development, and make the strongest possible case for enhanced cultural investment. The Board will aim to reflect gender balance, age span, and the diversity of the people in the Region. The appointments will be in line with Nolan principles and whilst no fees are paid, reasonable expenses are refunded. Initial appointments will be for a period of 1, 2 or 3 years, renewable.