New funding at Arts Council of England

03 January 2003, United Kingdom

The Arts Council of England has announced two new investment programs for 2003. The programs, to be run from the council's regional offices, will involve grants to organisations and grants to individuals. The funding is aimed at assisting these two groups in the areas of capital raising, organisational development, research and development, as well as helping individuals finance residencies and arts projects. Grants will range from £200 to £100,000, but will mostly be under £30,000. While partnership funding is not a requirement, the council will encourage applicants to use the funding as a means for leveraging additional support from other sources. Application packs will be available from February, and information will also be available on the internet at that time. There are no deadlines, and applications can be made at any time from April 1. For more information on the Arts Council of England visit: