SAC launches handbook to assist arts volunteers

30 January 2003, United Kingdom

The Scottish Arts Council (SAC) has launched an updated edition of its Care, Diligence and Skill handbook, which aims to assist members of arts organisations to understand their duties and responsibilities. Devised in response to the issues faced by the many arts institutions throughout Scotland, which are staffed predominantly by volunteers, the handbook offers advice and information about the effective running of an organisation. Topics addressed in the handbook include the legal duties of board members, the structuring of an organisation, recruitment and support of staff members and how to ensure accurate financial data. Speaking about the handbook, Scottish Arts Council Director, Graham Berry, said that he hoped it would prove useful and would help encourage people to become involved in arts organisations. ‘Not everyone offering to sit on the board of an arts organisation has [a business] background,’ commented Berry. ‘So the Care, Diligence and Skill handbook offers practical information about the responsibilities of running an organisation.’ ‘The arts throughout Scotland are indebted to volunteers,’ he continued. ‘We hope that this handbook… will help make this a rewarding experience for them.’ For more information, visit: The Scottish Arts Council.