Guidelines launched to protect arts and heritage

13 June 2003, United Kingdom

In response to the ongoing thefts of artworks, antiquities and books in the UK, a set of guidelines has been issued to assist museums, archives and libraries boost the efficiency of their security systems. The peak body for museums, archives and libraries, Resource, has pulled together recommendations from specialist security staff working in related institutions across the country, to produce guidelines to help prevent thefts from occurring. Security in Museums, Archives and Libraries – A Practical Guide covers a wide range of security measures including: criminal activity and fire; security staff, alarms and CCTV; physical defences; bag searching; bomb warnings; event and exhibition security; and disaster planning, among others. Resource also provides forms online to report any incidences of theft. Although this is a voluntary scheme, the peak body says it has been a useful tool in the past to identify patterns of theft and issue regional alerts. CLICK HERE to view a copy of the Security Guidelines and risk management pages on the Resource website.