Market mechanisms of financing culture in accession countries

Bilyana Tomova PhD - Open Society Institute, Budapest,
01 January 2004, Hungary

The research paper Market mechanism of financing culture in accession countries is the result of more than one year of a research, analysis and final recommendations. Authored by International Policy Fellow Bilyana Tomova PhD, it is based on empirical survey, covering experts in the field of management and financing of culture in Bulgaria, Hungary and Lithuania, as well as content analysis of documents, on-line resources and relevant materials. The main aim is to search for new possibilities of supporting culture by alternative instruments - sponsorship, donations, support from funds, lottery systems, banking for culture, etc. It stresses on comparative analyses between the three countries from an institutional point of view. To download the paper as a PDF document, CLICK HERE. For more information about the author and background for the paper, please visit The project is supported by the International Policy Fellowship program of the Open Society Institute, Budapest.