Arts marketing conference extends its reach

09 January 2004, USA

The National Arts Marketing Project; an American program created to assist domestic arts groups build new audiences and generate innovative revenue streams for their organisations; is back for its third year, with an increasingly global focus. In October of 2001, the program presented the first ever National Arts Marketing Conference in San Francisco. The well-attended venture met with great success, and the second conference last April further raised the bar for the pro-active group. With diminishing funding and dwindling resources posing a consistent problem for arts groups worldwide, National Arts Project organisers are reaching out to international colleagues for support. Interested parties are invited to log on to the conference web portal, explore shared resources and contribute via feedback or opportunities for global connectivity. The third National Arts Marketing Conference, High Touch/High Tech Marketing: Cutting Edge Strategies for Reaching and Keeping Today’s Arts Customers, will take place in Chicago, October 2 - 5, 2004. For further information, CLICK HERE.