Tax & Social Security - A Guide For Artists & Cultural Operators In Europe

On The Move/Judith Staines/IETM,
01 March 2004, Belgium

This basic guide - Tax & Social Security: A Guide For Artists & Cultural Operators In Europe has been prepared by Judith Staines to help artists and arts professionals understand better the main issues that affect how and what they are paid when they work abroad in Europe. The guide does not aim to provide a complete list of all the tax regulations currently in force for any arts professional from any country working anywhere in Europe, but gives very good insight. on-the-move is a web site dedicated to information about professional mobility in the areas of theatre, dance, music and other performing arts disciplines. This is an IETM (Informal European Theatre Meetings) publication. on-the-move welcomes your comments to: [email protected] Download Tax & Social Security: A Guide For Artists & Cultural Operators In Europe HERE.