Fondart recipients meet with Chilean cultural leaders

26 August 2004, Chile

Some 50 artists and cultural managers met with the Chilean National Council of Culture and Arts to celebrate the latest wave of funding from Fondart. The meeting was attended by Minister of Culture Jose Weinstein; Assistant Director of the Arts Council, Patricio Vilaplana; Regional Secretary of National Goods, Paula Quintana; Regional Intendant, Luis Guastavino; and the Director of the Regional Arts Council, Luciano San Martín. Mr Weinstein praised Fondart funding mechanisms for 2004, highlighting this year's broader access to fund resources via the extension of competition to the Internet and the creation of new categories for young artists. He also informed attendees that application deadlines for 2005 are likely to shift further towards January, so that those who are favoured have more time to develop their projects. The Minister discussed recent partnerships between the Arts Council and the corporate sector that will assist in financing cultural activities for small and medium companies - through programs such as Seed Capital or Promotion Programs. For further information in Spanish, CLICK HERE