New Directions in Social Policy - Understanding the Policy Context

The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council,
05 July 2005, United Kingdom

The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) has published 3 policy guides which explain the policy context for the contribution to three key areas of social policy. They are aimed to support managers of museums, libraries and archives in engaging with key social and strategic agendas: Cultural Diversity for museums, libraries and archives provides an overview of policies surrounding the term Cultural Diversity both within and outside the museums, libraries and archives sector. To view this report, CLICK HERE Communities and inclusion policy for museums, libraries and archives explores the contribution museums, libraries and archives can make to neighbourhood renewal, community agendas and social inclusion. To view the report, CLICK HERE Health Policy for museums, libraries and archives outlines how museums, libraries and archives can contribute to individual and community health through the new preventative health agenda of the NHS. To view the report, CLICK HERE These documents form the core of an ongoing social policy briefing documents which MLA is committed to creating as part of its New Direction programme.