All that Dutch (International Cultural Politics)

NAi Publishers,
02 August 2005, Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Over the last 15 years, the international cultural policy of the Netherlands has evolved in the relative sidelines of cultural debate. The Netherlands presents itself abroad as a highly varied collection of individual artists and arts institutions with international ambitions. In practice, the role of government was primarily to provide favourable conditions. The casualness of this policy has recently become the subject of heated debate. In the context of the Cultuurnota 2005 - 2008 ('Policy Document on Culture 2005 - 2008') this discussion has also been set on the political agenda, and questions are being raised about the content and organization of international cultural policy. Should the policy be more ambitious and more result-oriented? Should political, economic or societal considerations be involved or is culture an independent mainstay of international policy? This publication allows art professionals, academics and policy-makers to have their say. They share their insights and views based on four different themes: culture and politics, culture and the economy, international reflection and cultural profiling. Published by NAi Publishers in association with the Fund for Amateur Art and Performing Arts (FAPK), the Mondriaan Foundation, the Foundation for the Production and Translation of Dutch Literature (NLPVF), and the Dutch Service Centre for International Cultural Activities (SICA) For further information,