Putting the Arts in the Picture: Reframing Education in the 21st Century
Center for Arts Policy, Columbia College,
01 October 2005, USA
Putting the Arts in the Picture makes a powerful and original argument for placing the arts at the center of educational renewal. Assembled by Editors Robin Redmond and Nick Rabkin, with contributions from key figures in the arts and education sectors, the book aims to explain why and how arts integration works, why and how it heightens student engagement, improves the culture and climate of schools, leads to deeper learning, and inspires the professional development of teachers. Drawing on the work of leading cognition experts, Putting the Arts in the Picture explains why arts integration has such power. It places arts integration within the long arc of efforts to realise the democratic promise of public education. It explores how other nations, including some of the most traumatized and impoverished, have mobilised the arts to focus young people's need to learn and grow. It suggests practical strategies - for educators, policymakers, school reformers, philanthropy, and parents - that can make arts integration broadly available to all children, irrespective of their educational level or family income. The Introduction, and Chapter One are available for download in PDF format HERE.
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