Singing Our Praises: Case Studies in the Art of Evaluation

Association of Performing Arts Presenters,
01 October 2005, USA

In Singing Our Praises Suzanne Callahan, Founder of Callahan Consulting for the Arts, aims to demystify the process of evaluation by highlighting examples of how arts presenters have used it to learn about their success. Using the concept of participatory evaluation, it empowers artists and partners to define success in ways that reflect their shared values. Case studies tell the stories of presenters, artists and funders as they learned about evaluation and put it into practice. The case studies are then complemented with a running commentary in the form of sidebars that explain methods used, give hints, and answer common questions. The aim of the book is to enable readers to:
  • Read compelling stories about the ways in which peers have used evaluation to learn about programs,
  • Apply the concepts in the stories to your own situation, and incorporate own context,
  • Learn by example some of the more technical aspects of evaluation, including how to use tools such as a logic model and an evaluation plan,
  • Identify own outcomes and evaluation techniques, rather than merely replicating what works for others,
  • Think about a number of ideas, through answering the summary questions at the end of each chapter,
  • Use the tools and worksheets to begin to conduct own evaluation. For more information, CLICK HERE