The Commonwealth Culture Reference Toolkit

Commonwealth Foundation,
28 June 2006, United Kingdom

The Commonwealth Foundation, an intergovernmental organisation that works to promote governance and democracy, sustainable development and cultural understanding in and amongst Commonwealth countries, is developing a new interactive resource on culture: The Commonwealth Culture Reference Toolkit. The document will capture examples of work to increase cultural understanding, recognise artistic talent and use cultural actions towards development goals. It will draw together a wide array of programmes and projects that have been carried out around the Commonwealth and provide background and reference material for exploring new ideas and programmes. It will identify good practice and distil learning to be shared with Commonwealth governments, cultural organisations and practitioners and civil society. Organisations with programmes and projects focusing on the promotion of culture are invited to submit case studies and examples of their work for possible inclusion in the publication. Case studies should be approximately 600-10,000 words in length. Photographs and pictures can also be submitted alongside the reports. For full details of submission critera and categories, CLICK HERE or email Jennifer Sobol at [email protected]