Culture, Who Pays?

RIL editores ,
01 November 2006, Chile

Arturo Navarro Ceardi, Mapocho Cultural Centre’s Executive Director and board member of Chile’s National Council for Arts and Culture, has written the book Culture, Who Pays?: Management, Infrastructure, and Audiences in Chilean Cultural Development. It was presented early November in Santiago de Chile’s International Book Fair, by Paulina Urrutia, Chile’s Minister of Culture and the curator Justo Pastor Mellado. The book is the result of the author's work over six months as Luksic Visiting Fellow at Harvard's David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies. The essay presents the antecedents, in many cases using first hand knowledge, of Chile’s cultural development, from the creation of the Municipal Theatre 150 years ago, to the inauguration of the Palacio de la Moneda Cultural Centre in 2006. The book emphasizes the central elements of the new cultural policy model: management, infrastructure, funds, and audiences, and compares it with models from other parts of the world. The comparison analyzes cultural management in Chile through the evolution of such aspects as cultural policy, infrastructure and financing. It presents a variety of relevant case studies, examining in depth the Cultural Center Mapocho Station and its emphasis in self-financing and development of cultural audiences. For more information (in Spanish), CLICK HERE or send an email to [email protected].