Observatório Itaú Cultural, new research publication

Itaú Cultural ,
01 June 2007, Brazil

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the research centre Itaú Cultural, which works in the fields of research, content production and support to artistic production and dissemination in Brazil , has recently launched a new journal called Observatório Itaú Cultural . The first issue focuses on cultural indicators and public cultural policies. Contributors include several leading authors in the Latin American and European cultural sector, from both public and private institutions, including Teixeira Coelho, Octavio Getino, Paul Tolila, Eduardo Saravia and Jurema Machado. For further information (in Portuguese), please visit http://www.itaucultural.org.br/index.cfm?cd_pagina=2686 Text: Cyberkaris 59, May 2007 ( http://www.interarts.net/)