IFACCA presents at arts and education seminar
25 October 2007, Chile
IFACCA was kindly invited by the Consejo de la Cultura y las Artes of Chile to take part as a speaker at the panel “International Cooperation and Arts and Education” of the First International Seminar On Arts And Education 2007: Challenges For Democratic And Quality Access, which will take place in Santiago de Chile, on 29-30 October, 2007. Santiago Jara, IFACCA’s Coordinator for Latin America, will share the table with Mónica Romero, Advisor to the Arts Direction of the Colombian Ministry of Culture, Olga Lucía Olaya, Latin American Representative and Member of the International Society for Education Through Art (INSEA), and Pedro Henríquez Guajardo, Director of OEI Chile. He will talk about the work done so far (focusing mainly on The Wow Factor) and current projects on arts and education: participation at the World Summit for Creativity 2007, possible mini-summit on Arts and Education in late 2008, and the possible translation to Spanish of The Wow Factor.
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