On Entrepreneurship and Education in Cultural Life

European Network of Cultural Administration Centres,
29 March 2008, Belgium

A Report on the 15th ENCATC Annual Conference and General Assembly 'On Entrepreneurship and Education in Cultural Life' held in Göteborg, Sweden last June 2007.

The publication includes presentations by Venu Dhupa, Chris Torch and Awadhendra Sharan, the Open Space report, and reflections of cultural critic and journalist Magnus Haglund.

The conference put forward the question of cultural entrepreneurship and how education and training institutions:

"If you try to educate managers, cultural managers, you can’t rely on any grand theories. ‘Management’, as the British author and management-guru Charles Handy says ‘is not an applied science’. There are no simple textbooks or ready-made theories. Learning about management, and that includes cultural management, cultural entrepreneurship and leadership, is about experience and reflection. If you want to learn something about management you need experience and you need time to reflect on this experience. It's a good thing if you could do this reflection together with other experienced people."

Download it from www.encatc.org/library or click on the external link below.
