Funarte’s President will participate in the First Culture Conference of Niteroi

01 April 2008, Brazil

On April 1, Celso Frateschi, Funarte’s President will participate in the First Culture Conference of Niterói, that will take place at the Teatro Popular (Popular Theatre) on March 31 – April 3. Organized by the Municipal Secretary of Culture of Niterói, the meeting aims to strengthen planning actions and dialogue processes in the cultural field and is part of the initiatives foreseen by the National System for Culture, created by the Ministry of Culture with the objective of formulating and establishing public policies agreed by the Union, the regions and the municipalities, with the participation of civil society.

Frateschi will take part in the discussion group “Culture, education and citizenship”, that will meet on Wednesday, April 1, from 6pm to 8pm. Also at the meeting will be Marcos Gomes, journalist and former Niterói’s Municipal Secretary of Culture; Luiz Augusto, professor of Cultural Administration of the Universidade Federal Fluminense and coordinator of the Culture Point Niterói Oceânico; Waldeck Carneiro da Silva, Niterói’s Municipal Secretary of Education, and Maria Antônia Goulart, coordinator of Program Bairro-Escola (neighbourhood-school) of the Major’s Office of Nova Iguaçu. The participants will debate the relationship between culture, sociability, education and inclusion.

Also attending the conference will be: Prenambuco’s Secretary of Culture, Ariano Suassuna; Orlando Guilhon, General Director of Rádio MEC and President of the Public Radios Association of Brazil; Sérgio Sá Leitão, Director of the National Agency of Cinema (Ancine); Roberto Nascimento, Secretary of Promotion and Incentives for Culture of the Ministry of Culture; Adair Rocha, Regional Representative of the Ministry of Culture; Niterói’s Municipal Secretary of Culture, André Diniz, and Ndalu de Almeida (Ondjaki), poet and member of the Angolan Writers Union. They will debate Culture and Communication, Culture’s Economy, Cultural Heritage and Arts Support.

Further information is available in Portuguese (in the 'noticias' section)