Data collection for arts organisations: a pan-Tasman initiative

07 June 2008, Australia

This special release is a new series on data collection methodology and software to help organisations understand their audiences and develop more strategic marketing initiatives. These commissioned pieces explore the value of data collection, how new information arising from data can be integrated by the organisation and the ins and outs of implementing a specialised software applicaiton as it is rolled out by the Australia Council and Creative New Zealand from 2008 to 2010.

Data, data everywhere... yet, no audience insight, on the main issues and challenges around collecting, analysing and managing audience data.

Making the Most of Vital Statistics: an interview between Ron Layne and the authors of FULL HOUSE: Turning Data into Audiences, Roger Tomlinson and Tim Roberts.

Data collection case studies from the UK, Australia and New Zealand

About the audience data and visitor information collection enterprise (ADVICE) - Australia Council for the Arts

Vital Statistics Agency Project - Creative New Zealand