Our Creative Talent: the voluntary and amateur arts in England

07 June 2008, England

Research that looks at the size, make-up and impact of formally organised voluntary and amateur arts groups. There are nearly 50,000 groups across the country with a total of 5.9 million members.

An additional 3.5 million people volunteer as extras or helpers – a total of 9.4 million people taking part. The sector accounts for almost one fifth of all arts participation in England. It has an income of £543m a year and 564,000 people have management roles in voluntary arts groups. The sector is embedded in the grass roots of local communities and has a complex impact on developing vibrant and inclusive communities.  It provides opportunities for people who would not otherwise participate in the arts to do so within their local community and is particularly well placed to engage new audiences and participants in the arts. It also has a complex and inter-dependent relationship with the professional sector.
