Investing in a Creative Scotland

Scottish Government,
18 June 2008, Scotland

An additional £5 million to set up a Creative Scotland Innovation Fund was announced today as the Creative Scotland Bill was discussed in the Parliament.

Creative Scotland is proposed as the national development body for the arts and culture, working with partners to support the creative industries.

Culture Minister Linda Fabiani said: 'Creative Scotland will represent our strong ambitions for cultural excellence. I want Scotland to be recognised as Europe's most creative nation - one that attracts and retains talent, where the arts and our creative community is supported and celebrated - and their contribution to the economy maximised.

'This Innovation Fund will nurture and celebrate new streams of talent. It will inspire people from various walks of life to unlock and unleash their creativity. And it will play its role in building a wealthier Scotland.

'It is because of our successes to date and our ambition for the future that I believe the time is right for this Bill. To take our achievements further we need a development body fit for the 21st century.'

Scotland's creative enterprises now support 60,000 jobs, contributing over £4 billion to the Scottish economy.