Arts and disability website an essential tool

Arts Council of Ireland,
23 July 2008, Ireland, the first all-Ireland website to provide information, resources and facts about arts and disability, is already proving to be an essential tool for parents, families, advice workers, arts bodies and the wider community.  The website was developed by the Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.  Large print, Braille postcards will soon be winging their way to organisations, north and south, reminding them of where this valuable information can be found.

Roisin McDonough, Chief Executive, Arts Council of Northern Ireland said: "The quality of this Island’s arts and disability work deserved greater public awareness.  Bringing together an all-Ireland resource about arts and disability into one valuable information source will inspire future artists; I would urge anyone looking for information in this area to use the web site."

Mary Cloake, Director of the Arts Council said: "This has proven to be a successful joint venture by the two Arts Councils, North and South.  We are very grateful to the members of the arts and disability sector throughout the island, with whom we consulted to ensure the site content and design met the needs of users.  We are delighted that so many individuals and groups find it so helpful in their work."

Padraig Naughton, director of Arts and Disability Ireland said: " is an exciting new resource.  It will answer a wide range of questions on arts and disability which will assist the arts sector to improve the engagement of people with disabilities in the arts as both makers and consumers".

Another recent project supported by the Arts Council/ An Chomhairle Ealaíon was a publication designed to initiate a fresh debate on the role of Disability/Deaf arts and culture in an Irish context. The book, FACE ON: Disability Arts in Ireland and Beyond published by Arts & Disability Ireland in collaboration with Create, in 2007. It is available through Create 01 4736600 or [email protected].