Diversity Unites

Kultur macht Europa,
29 July 2008, Germany

The international congress Diversity unites. The Arts and Intercultural Dialogue in European cities: Experiences, concepts, perspectives will be taking place in Dortmund from 3rd to 5th September 2008. It will be organised by the Cultural Office of the City of Dortmund and the State Chancellery of North-Rhine Westphalia with the support of the foreign office and in cooperation with the German UNESCO Commission,the Cultural Politics’ Society, RUHR.2010 – European Capital of Culture, EUROCITIES and the Council of Europe.

The Diversity Unites congress will present and discuss concepts, structures, models and core projects from different cities and regions in Europe, cultural circles and social formations; all these can be seen as prime examples of local intercultural work. 37 speakers and presenters coming from more than 10 countries and all deeply involved in cultural and political activities either in Germany or in Europe, will therefore provide a comprehensive overview of the current debate on comparisons between local authority cultural work across Europe. Among them are: Dr. Claus Leggewie (Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen), Julie Hervé (EUROCITIES, Brüssel), Dr. Gerhard Langemeyer, (Lord Mayor, City of Dortmund), Nuri Colakoglu, (Istanbul 2010), Dr. Roland Bernecker (German UNESCO-Kommission), Svetlana Acevic (Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e.V.), Irena Guidikova (Council of Europe) or Asli Sevindim, (RUHR.2010).The congress is open to interested experts from Germany and abroad and will be held in German and English.

Registration ends on the 20th of August.

