Invitation to contribute to the Virtual Fora promoted by the Organization of American States (OAS)

Organization of American States (OAS),
01 October 2008, USA

The ‘Summits of the Americas’ Secretariat is pleased to announce a Virtual Forum on the theme ‘Promoting Human Prosperity’, as it relates to the Draft Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain. The forum will be held from October 1 - 10, 2008, through the Summits of the Americas Virtual Platform (SVP).

One of the subthemes is culture. The reference documents that will lead the discussions are: “Plan of Action for Enhanced Cultural Cooperation in the Americas (2007-2009)” (presented by the Delegation of Canada and the OAS’ Department of Education and Culture Technical Secretariat and that can be accessed by clicking the letter C for ‘Culture’ in the area ‘Resources’ within the Summits Virtual Platform), and Creative Economy Report 2008: The challenge of assessing the creative economy towards informed policy-making (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development –UNCTAD–).

Other fora programmed are: “Promoting Energy Security” (October 27 - November 4), “Environmental Sustainability” (November 17 – 26), “Strengthening Public Security” (January 2009), and “Strengthening Democratic Governance” (February 2009). Your input from and about the field of culture is also welcomed on these subjects. At you can also download the Resource and Reference Document.

The SVP is an on-line tool designed to facilitate on-going communication with social actors, thus contributing to making the Summits of the Americas Process more participatory through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

By actively participating in the virtual thematic fora, you as an SVP registered user will have an opportunity to contribute to the Summits Process. After each forum, the Summits Secretariat will produce a report and channel it for the consideration of the signatory countries, which are currently in the process of negotiating the contents of the Declaration that will be signed by the Heads of State and Government of the 34 OAS member States during the Fifth Summit of the Americas (Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, April 17-19, 2009).

If you are already registered in the SVP, simply login to the Platform in order to participate in any of these fora. If you have not yet registered, please click here and follow the ‘registration instructions’.

If you have any questions please contact Claudia Salazar ([email protected]).