Rainbow Paper on Intercultural Dialogue: sign up to the recommendations!

Lab for Culture,
07 October 2008, Netherlands

Following the online consultation earlier this year, organised by the Platform for Intercultural Europe ("the Rainbow Platform"), and facilitated by LabforCulture, the results are now out on what you had to say about how Europe should tackle cultural diversity.

The main recommendations that came from hundreds of views from varying sectors centre on: educating and building institutional capacity for Intercultural Dialogue, monitoring for sustained policies, mobilising across boundaries and the resourcing of Intercultural Dialogue.

Now you can endorse the results of the process by signing up to the recommendations. By giving the Rainbow Paper your support, you will increase the impact of the recommendations and you or your organisation will become eligible for formal membership of the Platform.

The Platform for Intercultural Europe has become an association and will be able to assume its assigned role as a "Structured Dialogue" partner of the EU institutions fully. The first meeting of members, including potential ones, will take place on 11th November in Stockholm (13-18h). The Platform’s work plan for 2009 will be a key agenda point. The meeting will take place in conjunction with the Nordic Conference on Intercultural Dialogue, Stockholm, 12th -13th November, organised by the Swedish Ministry of Culture.

LabforCulture has designed an easy endorsement process so give it a go!




