Ministry of Culture gives 408,000 euros to 30 projects of short films

Ministerio de Cultura,
28 October 2008, Spain

The Ministry of Culture, through the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA) has granted aid amounting to 408,000 euros for 30 projects of short films in the second phase of the call for the year 2008.

The 30 projects of scripts that will receive aid by the Ministry are:

What is Baby Grace? 92; the third day; Amor Public Sky without Angeles; The years of silence, the wedding of Mary Victoria; The good watch; Flesh of my flesh; Condemnation; Cribb, the vampire; Give me a reason, The Strange Case; Forged; Luciérnaga; Margarita; My other half; Mujeres in Mexico; Negritude; Obsolete, Ofelia; opponent, Paul; Peliculeros; Pocoyo saved the Circus; Stress; The super picnic, take heart in the wrong place; Barter and Yanindara.;jsessionid=923F300A330062C023EA23B32DD18492?prev_layout=notas&layout=notas&html=14932008nota.txt&language=es