Cuban Culture in the Digital Era

Cuba News Headlines,
12 January 2009, Cuba

Transdisciplinary specialists in Havana last week discussed equal access, new carriers of knowledge and digital security threats at the Juan Marinello Institute for Cultural Research.

Abel Ponce of the Jose Marti National Library spoke about access for the disabled, domination of English on the web, text readers and a new category of technologically disabled people, which includes those born out of reach of the digital revolution.

He mentioned projects with the United Nations and Spain's ONCE and reminded the audience that the term disabled always refers to one specific activity and is never general.

Karina Benitez of the Center for Authors’ Rights spoke of copying and manipulation, open code software and access to protected content as issues of the originality-heterodiscursivity paradigm.

Carlos del Porto Blanco of the Office for Informatization said there is currently about one PC for every 20 Cubans, 1.3 million have e-mail and there are about 327,000 internet users.