Culture at the heart of stimulus plan

Ministère de la culture et de la communication,
02 February 2009, France

Christine Albanel presents the measures put in place for culture, as part of the stimulus plan which was requested by the President to respond to the effects of the financial crisis, as announced in a speech at Nîmes on 13 January.

An extra 100 million euros. Culture is benefitting from a stimulus plan in 2009 to the amount of 100 million euros. These funds will be added to the Ministry’s budget for 2009. They will be maintained throughout the budget in 2010, and in following years.
This budget of 100 million euros will allow for the launch of, or to accelerate, a large number of restorations of historic monuments throughout the territory and to reduce the delays in the completion of many investment projects, at a national or regional level.
These 100 million euros represent 3% of the total budget of the Ministry in 2009, 20% of the funds for facilities and 33% of the funds for the restoration of historic monuments.

Three priorities. In the cultural domain, the three priorities of the stimulus plans are historic monuments, cultural facilities in the regions, and major national projects. The funds will begin at a level of 100 million euros in 2009. The schedule of payments will be 80 million euros in 2009 and 20 million euros in 2010.
The budget of 100 million euros will be divided in the following manner (the engagement authorisations (AE) allows for  commissioning and payment funds (CP) to directly pay businesses):
- 66 million euros (AE) and 64 million euros (CP) to benefit historic monuments (outside of major projects) of which:
1. For monuments of small communities: 13,3 M€ (AE) et 15,2 M€ (CP)
2. Major monuments: 27,1 M€ (AE) et 27,5 M€ (CP)
3. For cathedrals: 25,6 M€ (AE) et 21,3 M€ (CP)
- Cultural facilities, primarily in the regions: 15,1 M€ (AE) et 15 M€ (CP)
- For major national projects: 18,9 M€ (AE) et 21 M€ (CP)

252 building sites. 252 building sites have been chosen with the aim of accelerating the completion of operations that are technically ready. The selection of operations supported rests on three criterion:
- Immediate impact on the activities of the small to medium enterprises
- Territorial equity, since the revival plan must have an impact on the entire territory, including overseas territories.