Mansergh launches Learn and Explore Programme 2009

Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism,
12 February 2009, Ireland

Dr. Martin Mansergh TD, Minister of State at the Department of Finance with responsibility for OPW and the Arts, today (Thursday 12 February 2009) launched the 2009 Learn and Explore Programme. 

The Learn and Explore Programme takes place at the National Concert Hall and consist of events for all ages including masterclasses, school workshops, concerts, rehearsals and talks. 

Speaking at the launch today, Dr. Mansergh said: "The Learn & Explore Programme at the National Concert Hall plays an important role in bringing music of all kinds to all age groups and all sectors of society."

Dr. Mansergh added: "The Programme resonates not only with budding young musicians but with young people who aspire to having an involvement in music. In the last few years, the programme has been endorsed by many awards, including a recent Irish Times Dublin Living Award for its Ulster Bank Up the Tempo Series. This series brings music to many primary schools round Ireland. These projects and the impact they have on our young people are tremendously important, as are of course, their impact on the development and appreciation of music within society. 

In conclusion, Dr. Mansergh said: "Through investment in projects specific to areas such as music therapy, cultural integration and social cohesion, we continually see the benefits of music and the impact of the National Concert Hall throughout the country. I am delighted that today we are launching a programme of events, which will excite and motivate all ages, who will have a lot of opportunities to attend this inspiring performing arts centre."