Campbell marks 35 years of the public library service

Department of Communities,
23 February 2009, Northern Ireland

Culture Minister, Gregory Campbell, hosted a reception to recognise the contributions made by Education and Library Boards to the development of the public library service.

Speaking ahead of the reception at Parliament Buildings, Minister Campbell said: “This reception will mark the imminent end of an era for the public library service in Northern Ireland, after 35 years of delivery by the Education and Library Boards.

“During that time much has happened and much has changed, but libraries continued to provide a service to the community by developing and modernising in response to changing times. This is evident in the number of large, light and modern libraries now on our High Streets in Strabane, Cookstown, Ballymena, Lisburn, Bangor and The Grove in Belfast.

“The capital programme for both new and refurbished libraries has been a great success, demonstrating visibly the place of libraries, not just as part of our past culture, but belonging to today and providing a service which develops to meet peoples’ needs.”

Under the Review of Public Administration (RPA) recommendations were made to change the five separate public library services to a single library service for all of Northern Ireland and the establishment of a new public body to manage and deliver it.

Commenting on the changes that are taking place the Minister said: “From the beginning, this decision for the future of the library service has had the stamp of authenticity. It has been supported by both direct rule and devolved governments and has notably been one of the lengthiest passages for legislation in Northern Ireland’s history.”

“The joint working across the Boards in recent years has pioneered a unified approach to delivering a better library service for the public. The introduction of open access for library members to borrow from any library across Northern Ireland, a joint approach to book purchasing contracts and arrival of public access to the internet were major developments and successes for the five Boards and demonstrated the value of a single service across the whole of Northern Ireland.”

The Minister continued: “In moving ahead with the new arrangements, the department will be working in partnership with the new Library Authority to secure the best quality library service for these demanding times.

“The new library service will be placed firmly within the Executive’s overall programme, supporting the overall priorities and in that way, the public value of the library service will be enhanced.”

Paying tribute to library staff across Northern Ireland, past and present, the Minister said: “On behalf of the wider community and the department thank you for all that each of you have done to promote and develop library services throughout Northern Ireland. You have much to be proud of.”