Design champion review

The Scottish Government,
28 April 2009, Scotland

A report on the first review of Scotland's design champion, Architecture and Design Scotland (A+DS), has been published today.

The Scottish Government's policy and financial management review of A+DS concludes that there remains a clear role for the national body in promoting good quality design.

The review was undertaken to identify the potential contribution of such a body and how best to ensure it is constituted and operated in a way that realises that potential.

Key recommendations are for a simplification of governance structure and reconsideration of the core functions of A+DS, with the aims of clarifying the organisation's relationship with Ministers and determining how best to achieve its organisational objectives.

The report also recommends that A+DS should focus more sharply on a limited number of key priorities, and target its resources accordingly. In particular, the review recommends that the design review function should be re-engineered to better deliver A+DS priorities.

The need for clarity in relation to the boundaries of the body's relationship with other built environment organisations is also highlighted.

Culture Minister Michael Russell said:

"Ministers asked for this review to be undertaken to contribute to reshaping of the built environment sector. It is a matter of ensuring the most appropriate mechanics are in place to deliver the Scottish Government's priorities - in this case, good quality design at the heart of housebulding and placemaking in Scotland.

"I am pleased that Raymond Young and his Board have welcomed the outcome of this review positively. I and officials in our Architecture and Place Division will be working closely with the Board and staff to ensure the recommendations of the review are implemented to ensure the full potential of the organisation is realised."

Chair of A+DS Raymond Young said:

"I welcome the review recommendations, which build on the work we have developed over our first four years. It will enable us to move forward positively with the Minister and his officials and to focus on priority themes with the design and planning communities that help deliver a well designed, sustainable built Scotland."

A+DS was established in April 2005 as Scotland's national champion for good architecture, design and planning in the built environment. Its principal aim is to inspire better quality in design and architecture so that Scotland's built environment contributes in a positive way to our quality of life, our economic growth and our built heritage. A+DS has a wide, proactive role in advocating the benefits of good design in the built environment to a range of organisations at national, regional and local level. It operates as a Company Limited by Guarantee, funded directly by the Scottish Government.