Edited by Daniela Angelina Jelinčić
Culturelink Joint Publication Series No. 13, Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, 2009, 211 pp.,
30€, ISBN: 978-953-6096-49-7
The book entitled Cultural Tourism Goes Virtual: Audience Development in Southeast European Countries, is the latest in the series of Culturelink research studies in the course of the past few years on the subjects connecting new technologies and culture. It is a research study on the impact of the Internet on the cultural tourism development and is focusing on on-line sales in the cultural sector. The subject has already been introduced in 2007 at the International Symposium organized by Culturelink/Institute for International Relations (http://www.culturelink.org/conf/tourism02/index.html) when a group of experts gathered to present best practice examples of cultural institutions/organizations websites with the impact on cultural tourism and audience development. After the Symposium, it was agreed with the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (BRESCE – UNESCO Office in Venice) and the Croatian Ministry of Culture to deepen the subject by conducting a comparative research study in the countries of Southeastern Europe. This book represents a joint effort by researchers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia who worked hard on the reports presenting the current situation in their respective countries, as well as providing possible recommendations for inclusion of virtual culture in cultural and tourism policies.
The introductory part gives information about the goal and objectives of the research, as well as the research methodologies. It also gives some general data on European Union e-business and explains basic terminology that was used in the research.
The core of the research is presented by country in alphabetical order. A comparative analysis of the research is presented in the last text in this book. It highlights similarities and differences in virtual culture in the SEE countries and presents general digital cultural policy guidelines as well as recommendations which could be applied to enhance the development of audience and cultural tourism by way of virtual space.
This research is the first of its kind in the field of cultural tourism and it is hoped that it will stimulate cultural/heritage organizations to enhance their business practices. Thus, cultural tourism profits might be increased and it could lead to greater visibility of virtual culture for decision makers. Ultimately, this topic could become a constituent part of cultural/tourism policy documents.
We thank all the experts who participated with their contributions in the making of this book, as well as the UNESCO Venice Office, City of Zagreb – City Office for Education, Culture and Sports and Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, who made possible its publication.
For more information, visit http://www.culturelink.org/publics/joint/tourism02/tourism02cont.html.
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