Film authorities will meet to promote films in the region

Secretaría de Estado de Cultura,
07 July 2009, República Dominicana

Two important events related to the film industry in Latin America, were conducted in Santo Domingo, 7-10 July, said today the Ministry of Culture, which organized them through their website

The eighteenth regular meeting of the Conference of Ibero-American Film and Audiovisual Authorities (CAACI) and the Fifteenth Regular Meeting of the Intergovernmental Ibermedia, brought together the main leaders of the Ibero-American film industry for four days to discuss the future for the region.

Delegates attended from 20 countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela and Dominican Republic.

In addition, representatives of the Spanish Agency of International Development Cooperation (AECI), the Ibero-American Secretariat (SEGIB) and the Executive Secretariat of Ibero-American Cinematography (SECI) also attended.

According to the Ministry of Culture, institutions that will be present at these meetings include the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (Argentina), the National Cinema (Bolivia), the National Cinema Agency ( Brazil), the Costa Rican Film Production (Costa Rica), the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Arts and Industries (Cuba), the National Film Center (Ecuador) and the Film Institute of Audiovisual Arts (Spain).

In addition, the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (Mexico), the State System of Radio and TV (Panama), the National Film Board (Peru), the Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual (Portugal), the Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual (Uruguay), the National Autonomous Cinematography (Venezuela), the Film Corporation (Puerto Rico), the Secretary of State Broadcasting (Brazil) and the National Film Board (Colombia).

"This is the largest gathering of film and public television in the region that is held in our country, as a way to stimulate the film industry and promote its values and achievements," said Marlon Soto, Director National Theater, who represents the Dominican Republic, along with Arturo Rodriguez Fernandez, Advisor National Film; Luis Rafael Gonzalez, director of the Dominican Cinemateca and Felix Manuel Lora, Coordinator of Educational Programs of the Ministry of Film Culture.

The CAACI brings together audiovisual and cinema throughout Latin America, while Ibermedia program is to encourage the film industry, created by the Ibero-American Heads of State. The CAACI is based in Venezuela and Ibermedia has its headquarters in Madrid.

The event marks the signing of the convention of American Public Television, which will include TV-CER Dominican Republic.

The opening ceremony of these meetings was held on Wednesday 8, at 9:30 am at the Intercontinental Hotel, with an address by Secretary of State for Culture, José Rafael Lantigua.

(Original version in Spanish)