100 Countries on ConnectCP

28 October 2009, Spain

ConnectCP now contains over 700 profiles of cultural policy experts from 100 countries worldwide!
With the inclusion of Njordur Sigurjonsson, Director of the Bifröst University Research Centre in Iceland,  Ralph J Regenvanu, Director of the National Cultural Council, Vanuatu and Nicky Marais, National Arts Council of Namibia, the total number of countries with cultural policy experts registered in ConnectCP has reached 100 covering all continents!
By participating in the database, ConnectCP experts aim to stimulate the interaction of people with knowledge in the cultural policy sector, mobilise human resources, and facilitate the flow of cultural policy information.
The advanced search page allows you to search for experts amongst a range of criteria including by country.
Every day an expert's profile from the database is highlighted on the home page at www.connectcp.org
