National Culture and Arts Council faced Bafona’s strike

La Tercera,
08 January 2010, Chile

CNCA’s National Deputy Director stated the institution’s position towards the National Ballet’s demands.  

Eduardo Muñoz, CNCA’s Deputy Director, was surprised when the National Folkloric Ballet (Bafona) went on strike arguing CNCA’s failure to comply with its commitment.

He first clarified that “the bond petition was received on Monday” and added that “the quality of public workers of the Bafona members has been acknowledged, even though legally they don’t have that disposition”.

Muñoz also talked about their request for a better infrastructure, one of the main reasons for the strike: “the current conditions are those that the building in Santiago allows for. It is not a matter of discrimination, they are subject to the same conditions as the rest of the civil servants. We just received permits from the Ministry of Finances to acquire a new building and improve the working conditions”, he explained to

In third place, Muñoz referred to a communiqué that was confirmed today by Carolina Negrero, President of the National Association of Culture’s Civil Servants (Anfucultura) by which Bafona’s presentations were suspended until March. He clarified: “this administration has not released a communiqué of this sort. What we should have is a contingency plan if the Bafona is on strike”. Lastly, he declared that the CNCA is “open to dialogue”, and that given the current conditions, the Bafona should analyse the situation and abandon the strike.