Francisco Sesto has been appointed

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura,
02 February 2010, Venezuela

President Chávez announced the appointment of “Farruco” Sesto as head of the governing body for culture.

During the celebrations to commemorate the XI Anniversary of the Revolución Bolivariana, carried out last Tuesday at Teresa Carreño Theater, the President Commander Hugo Chávez appointed Francisco Sesto Novás as Minister of Popular Power for Culture.

Chávez thanked Héctor Soto (former Minister of Culture) for his efforts and acknowledged him specially.

“Farruco” Sesto will take up this post in replacement of Héctor Soto who was appointed in June 2008.

Sesto previously held the position of Executive Director  of the Presidential Office for Special Plans and Projects.

Prior to that position, Francisco Sesto, architect by profession, held the position of Vice Minister of Culture in the former Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (2003).

Between 2003 and March 2005 he chaired the Consejo Nacional de la Cultura (National Culture Council) –Conac–, affiliated to the former Culture Department that was put into liquidation on May 12, 2008 by the Decree of Suppression No. 6.042 (with same rank, value and strength as a Law), published in the Official Journal. 

By creating the Ministry of Culture, on 19 February 2005, Sesto gave birth to an important process of changes in cultural public administration and governmental institutions.

His administration first built cultural platforms (Film and Audiovisual Media, Books and Reading, Heritage, Community Culture Network, Performing Arts, Music and Image and Space Arts).

For three years, Sesto headed a ministry that changed the practices of the Venezuelan official cultural administration, based on the criterion of inclusion, i.e. believing that every person has creative capacities, that the people constitute culture and that there is a revolution of consciousness.

During his administration, the draftsman, poet and writer gave start to cultural policy decentralization and democratization, by promoting socialist values like inclusion, diversity and popular participation.