Arts Council England publishes annual review 2010

Arts Council England,
26 July 2010, England

We have now published our annual review for 2010, which looks back on a year of radical thinking and great change for the Arts Council as we worked to reduce our running costs by 15 per cent and to manage the impact of a budget reduction of £19 million, in addition to an earlier in-year reduction of £4 million - bringing the total to £23 million.

Sustain, our programme to ensure brilliant arts organisations survived the recession, ensured that the kind of damage inflicted on arts organisations in the last recession was not repeated. And we consulted on our plans for a 10-year strategy for the arts - Achieving great art for everyone.

Over the last 12 months we've completely overhauled Grants for the arts funding and worked with our funded organisations to measure how effective we are, working together as a sector, and leading to the recruitment of 150 artistic assessors and a new self-evaluation framework for arts organisations.

Having invested a great deal of public and private money in getting the arts in this country into such great shape, it was, and still is, essential that we don't put these achievements at risk. Despite the uncertainty ahead it's vitally important we keep our eye on real artistic ambition, working to make the arts even better, reach even further and continue to remain relevant to people by offering the mixture of solace and challenge that only the arts can. See our website for more information on why the arts matter.