Tough times, difficult decisions, fresh thinking

Department of Culture, Media and Sport,
06 August 2010, United Kingdom

Tough times, difficult decisions, fresh thinking
It's now been three months since the election, and it feels as if we have barely drawn breath.

I'll be spending most of August working in the Department, pushing forward on a wide-ranging agenda.

This morning, for example, I am in Hereford, speaking about our plans to roll out super-fast broadband, and hearing from local businesses about their concerns in this area. There are a huge range of issues which we have to tackle if we are to get broadband rolled out, from encouraging private investment to lowering regulatory hurdles, to ensuring we have the people and investment to make it happen.

Broadband is just one of several responsibilities I have. In the communications area, I'm pleased in the last three months to have set out our plans for digital radio switchover, as well as making progress on the auction of radio spectrum, which will be vital for the mobile phone sector in the next few years. We're also pursuing our de-regulatory agenda for the media, looking to reduce the burdens on key media companies like ITV, and to ensure Ofcom has a clearer role.

In culture, we have started on our plans to reduce adminstrative costs, by abolishing two quangos. We are making steady, albeit slow progress, in giving our national museums greater freedom and independence. The threat of cuts dominates the entire debate about culture, but I remain optimistic that we will be able to handle any reduction in spending that comes our way. I don't want to lose sight of the opportunities that exist despite the gloom – notably a new way forward for music education, and a greater emphasis on cultural leadership, innovation and philanthropy.

This is a difficult time. I wish things could be different, and that our plans weren't dominated by the current economic climate. But tough times do bring fresh thinking, and the thing I have found most encouraging is the willingness of people from all our sectors to engage in a sensible and rational debate about the best way forward.