Equality at the heart of Arts Council of Wales' future work

Arts Council of Wales,
28 October 2011, Wales

The draft plan launched today by the Arts Council of Wales builds on past work and takes into account the equalities evidence that is available to us. It includes work that we currently do and will continue to. It also identifies new objectives and is informed by what has been learnt from listening to a variety of people and organisations.

We are keen to seek views on the draft plan which includes the following objectives:

•Increase the range of artistic practice that we fund, including support for artists from a diversity of backgrounds
•Work with our portfolio of Revenue Funded Organisations to help them advance equality of opportunity
•Increase the diversity of our staff, board and advisors by reviewing our recruitment process and through targeted work placements
•Continue to carry out Equality Impact Assessments on all policy and practice and improve how we do this
•Continue to implement the recommendations of our Equal Pay Review
•Review and update our procurement procedures
The arts help us to understand difference. But they also help us to explore and express the things we have in common and our place in the world. We’re interested in the many, not just the few. We want the arts in Wales to include everyone and we know this will make the arts in Wales more vibrant, exciting and relevant.

So we want to involve as many people as possible.

These proposals are being shared with you now so that you can contribute to what the final plan includes.
