Arts Council England launches digital R&D podcast series for the arts and cultural sectors

Arts Council England,
16 July 2012, England

The Arts Council has commissioned a series of six audio podcast magazine programmes exploring the innovative use of digital technology in the arts and cultural sector. The series, hosted by arts and culture broadcaster and journalist John Wilson, launches on 16 July 2012 and will be available for download monthly from the Arts Council's iTunes  and SoundCloud channels.

The podcasts feature discussion and debate from expert studio guests and pioneering case study examples of digital projects from the arts and cultural sectors.

The theme of the first podcast is user generated content, social media and audience curation, guests include: Simon Collister Senior Lecturer, University of the Arts; Spencer Hyman, CEO and Founder of Artfinder and Holly Goodier, Head of Audiences, BBC Future Media plus case studies from live social audience curation projects at Nottingham's Art Exchange and London's Imperial war Museum.

Each programme in the series will focus on one of the themes at the core of the new Digital R&D Fund for the Arts: User generated content and social media; Digital distribution and exhibition; Mobile, location and games; Data and archives; Resources; and Education and learning.