Arts journalist complain that the government considers arts a luxury

El País,
19 July 2012, Spain

Professional art journalists read a manifesto against the increase of VAT of culture.

No to the increase in VAT to cultural products ordered by the Government. This is the message of a group of journalists that participated in the course 'Cultural journalism in new media: newspapers, blogs and social networks', organized by the Fundación Santillana and the University Menéndez Pelayo. The participants have publiched a joint manifesto in which most of media are represented.

Antonio Iturbe has been in charge of reading the written statement denouncing this measure as "a change of category" which penalizes the artistic producton with the maximum of 21% VAT. "Culture is not a privilege but an indispensable part of the intellectual and emotional development of people," says the manifesto. "We refuse to accept that we are told that thinking is a luxury," he concludes.

Baltasar Basilio, director of the Foundation Santillana, has signed the text and underlined at the end of reading tthat his decision was taken in a "despotic" manner and can only generate "astonishment" at a time when the loss of purchasing capacity of a society prevents access to culture - "a vested right" - to many people. "The government must understand that this only aggravates and worsens the situation," he said.