PreMICA Buenos Aires

Presidency of the Republic,
31 July 2012, Argentina

In order to deepen the regional participation of Argentinean cultural industries leading into the next MICA 2013 (Argentinean Cultural Industries Market 2013) will take place Buenos Aires Province’s preMICA on 23-25 August at La Plata.

preMICA Buenos Aires will gather cultural companies and producers from various sectors in order to create business, exchange information and present productions from Buenos Aires Province to important national and international to key parties. Audio-visual, performing arts, design, publishing, music and videogames will be the areas that will showcase their potential at this meeting looking into creating new opportunities and enlarging their pool of contacts.

Building capacities and training producers of this region will be combined with a series of live shows and presentations that will be open to the public. Furthermore, rounds of negotiations that aim at consolidating regional markets and reinforcing their connections with national and international markets will take place. 

preMICA Buenos Aires, as well as the other five regional markets that will be carried out throughout 2012, will contribute to increase the productive integration of regional economies by putting together buyers and sellers of cultural goods and foreseeing and preparing in advance the regional participation in MICA 2013.


preMICA Buenos Aires is organized by The National Culture Secretary and Buenos Aires’ Province Cultural Institute.

Other public institutions involved in this initiative are the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Planning, Exportar Foundation, INTI, INT, INCAA, TDA, AFSCA, CEPIA, and National Plan for Design.