The Book Platform project, funded under the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme, will be holding a workshop this week to highlight the importance of copyrights for social, cultural and economic development as well as to address specific issues in the copyright system and its implementation in Armenia in the light of current European practices and solutions.
Speakers and participants include prominent European and Armenian experts on copyrights as well as publishers, writers and translators from Armenia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries. The workshop, which will take place in Yerevan, Armenia, on 8-9 November, is entitled ‘The Role of the Copyright System in the Promotion of Publishing as a Cultural Industry’.
The event is being organised by the International Publishers Association, the National Publishers Association of Armenia and Next Page Foundation as part of the VI International Forum of Translators and Publishers and the Book Platform Project and has support from Armenia’s Ministry of Culture in the framework of Yerevan World Book Capital 2012.
The Book Platform is an EU-funded project designed to support the book sectors in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine. It is part of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme, which aims to support the role of culture in the region's sustainable development and promote regional cooperation among public institutions, civil society, cultural and academic organisations in the Eastern Partnership region and with the European Union.
The €12 million Eastern Partnership Culture Programme aims at assisting the Partner Countries in their cultural policy reform at government level, as well as capacity building and improving professionalism of cultural operators in the region. It seeks to strengthen regional cultural links and dialogue within the Eastern Partnership region, and between the EU and ENP Eastern countries' cultural networks and actors.
For more details about the workshop, click here.