The application has about 2000 photographs and over 700 articles written by experts. Also printed materials were developed: cultural tourist brochures for each state and guides of the Mayan World
The National Council for Culture and the Arts (Conaculta), in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, present the application of the Cultural Atlas of Mexico, as well as cultural tourism guides and brochures to promote the country’s heritage to visitors, both domestic and foreign.
The Cultural Atlas of Mexico includes digital content, and interactive media about the rich cultural heritage of all states of Mexico.
This app, available for iPad, has about 2000 photographs and over 700 articles written by experts in various fields, with digital maps linked together to allow more interaction and to facilitate navigation.
The information developed in coordination with the Raíces Editorial, that publishes the Mexican Archaeology magazine, includes topics such as cities, towns, nature, architecture, archeology, gastronomy, crafts and cultural diversity.
The Cultural Atlas of Mexico joins a number of initiatives developed by the Conaculta to leverage technology to bring culture to the public, with applications such as Mexico's Culture, Conaculta 10 and Mexico's Theatre.
In addition, with support from the Raíces Editorial, printed materials have been developed for the dissemination of our cultural wealth including both cultural tourist brochures of each state as well as guides of the Mayan World.
The booklets introduce the magical towns of the state, the typical regional cuisine, handicrafts, a map of the main cultural routes, among other data. These guides are available for visitors both in Spanish and English.
La información, desarrollada en coordinación con Editorial, quienes publican la revista Arqueología Mexicana, incluye temas como: ciudades, pueblos, naturaleza, arquitectura, arqueología, gastronomía, artesanías y diversidad cultural.
The Maya World guides include information from the states of Tabasco, Chiapas, Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo, archaeological sites, Indigenous groups, history, cuisine and all information that might be useful to travelers.
With these actions the Conaculta continues promoting Mexico as cultural power, one of the axes of the Mexican Cultural Project of the XXI Century that this organization has implemented during the current administration.
Also, with the app Cultural Atlas of Mexico and guides it aims to bring the rich culture, art and heritage that the country offers to domestic and foreign visitors and in addition link people with its history and to promote intercultural dialogue.