ENCATC, the European network on cultural management and cultural policy education, is pleased to announce the publication of Volume 2, Issue 2 of its online Journal of Cultural Management and Policy. With this latest issue, ENCATC strives once more to stimulate the debate on the topics of cultural management and cultural policy among scholars, educators, policy makers and cultural managers. The Journal is unique for its platform for multidisciplinary
debate and offering new perspectives among researchers aiming to connect theory and practice in the realm of the cultural sector. “We are very proud to see the ENCATC Journal continue to flourish and the results of our readership prove that this publication is responding to the increasing need to align education in cultural management and cultural policy with research being conducted in the field. We are honored to join existing publications on cultural management and cultural policy education to further debate among researchers, policy makers and cultural operators. None of this would be possible without our Advisory Board members and guest reviewers who are the most renowned experts and researchers on cultural policy and cultural management education in Europe and beyond”, said GiannaLia Cogliandro Beyens, ENCATC’s General Secretary at the occasion of the launch of this new issue.
This latest issue has five articles covering cultural management and policy issues coming from Japan, Italy,
Russia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Readers are in for a treate when they’ll read their Journal’s opening
debate article from Spain that proposes an approach to culture as valuable leisure experience and overviews
the main features of the cultural experience from the point of view of Leisure Studies. The second article, from a
Russian author who has been researching extensively in the United Kingdom, looks at digital diplomacy rhetoric
in an international policy frame and the transformations in diplomatic discourse. Next, readers will cross the
globe to learn about theatre management in Japan as the system shifts from subsidies to plural funding. Still on
the topic of theatre management, the third article enlightens readers about opportunities and critical points of
the introduction of performance measurement systems in Italian theatres. Finally, the Journal concludes with an
informative article about the economic crisis and digital futures and trends in policy and the cultural sector in the
United Kingdom.
With the Journal’s first and second publication having over 30,000 downloads to date, this new issue will
certainly contribute to improving the knowledge and the capabilities for crafting advanced cultural policies and
cultural management systems at the European level and beyond.
Download Volume 2, Issue 2 of the ENCATC Online Journal of Cultural Management and Policy on the
ENCATC website: www.journal.encatc.org
For more information about this journal and submission guidelines, please consult www.journal.encatc.org
or contact Elizabeth Darley, ENCATC Projects and Communications Officer, [email protected]
Journal of Cultural Management and Policy - Vol. 2, Issue 2
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