The Minister of Culture Marta Suplicy said on Tuesday January 29th, in Brasilia, during the National Meeting of New Mayors, that the culture voucher will foster the local economy.
- Have you ever wondered what is the impact of workers with their culture vouchers in your city? It will boost the economy, surely - the minister said.
During the meeting, Marta explained to the mayors across the country the functioning of the culture voucher and of the National Culture System. The minister was optimistic with the culture voucher. With it, workers with a formal contract will have $ 50 reals to spend on cultural programs like concerts, cinemas, exhibitions, theater, and buy books and magazines. Each beneficiary will be deducted $ 5 of their payroll, while the remaining $ 45 shall be borne by the employer.
According to Marta, the culture voucher acts as a meal ticket. A magnetic card which will be credited with monthly cumulative value. Initially, the beneficiaries will be workers earning up to five times the minimum wage that will be to given access to culture, however, the minister did not rule out access to workers from other salary ranges.
Suplicy drew upon her experience in the city of São Paulo to guide how mayors can optimize the benefits of the program.
- The first thing is to detect which local producers can help you get stronger. They will have a chance of obtaining resources without the city giving money to them.
The minister also addressed the National Culture System, still in progress. According to her, the system will facilitate access to culture funding for municipalities. To join the National Culture System, the city must sign a Cooperation Agreement with the Federal Union, create a Municipal Culture System, through its own law, a Municipal Culture Plan, set up a Council of Cultural Policy and organize conferences culture in the city regularly.
- The council may make its accession, even though it has nothing ready yet. When the program is established, the municipality will have membership and with all measures taken - said the minister. According to her, 1,407 municipalities, mostly with over 500 thousand inhabitants, have joined the system.