Committee for culture meets in Senegal

Committee for Culture, UCLG,
28 February 2013, Senegal

The Committee for Culture held its 9th meeting on 5th December 2012 in Dakar, Senegal, in the framework of the United Cities Local Government (UCLG) World Council.

The conclusions resulting from this meeting are outlined below:

  • The Committee is engaged to listen better to the voices of African local governments and civil society, and we have to integrate better their challenges in our work programme, in close coordination with UCLG-Africa.
  • The Committee needs a very active participation in the elaboration of the new Agenda 21 for culture which will be approved in 2014. Any city or local government wishing to contribute should contact the coordinator as soon as possible.
  • The Committee needs to improve the mechanisms of exchange. There is very valuable information on the local implementation of Agenda 21 for culture and the Policy Statement "Culture: Fourth Pillar of Sustainable Development", which should be made available and disseminated.
  • The Committee will participate in two international meetings in 2013: the UNESCO conference on "Culture: Key to Sustainable Development" (Hangzhou, China, 14-17 May 2013) and the UCLG's World Congress (Rabat, Morocco, 1-4 October 2013).
  • UCLG is a pioneer organisation on promoting the relation between culture and sustainable development. We, the Committee on culture, must continue our advocacy so that the new UN Development Agenda post 2015 and Habitat III in 2016 explain in detail, and promote explicit goals and targets, on the relation between culture and sustainable development).

The report, published on 28 February this year, is now available online. Background information about the Committee for Culture can be found in the report, which is available for download here.

The report is also available en français and en español.